Customer Experience at the Heart of Digital Transformation

Customer Experience at the Heart of Digital Transformation
December 17, 2021 by Admin

Technology is good and digital transformation is imperative. However, their focus should be to improve the customer experience. Customer experience should be at the heart of digital and other technology initiatives. It should be at the heart of the business model.

Customers are at the heart of successful businesses. A memorable differentiated customer experience (CX) is key to any high performing organization. It is directly tied to customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, revenue generation and the overall customer lifetime value. Keep making your customers happy and they will keep handing their money over to you in exchange for your goods and services. You will have a strong brand loyalty and your business will be better off for it.

Technology is good and digital transformation is imperative. However, their focus should be to improve the CX. Customer experience should be at the heart of digital and other technology initiatives. It should be at the heart of the business model.

User experience (UX), as well as the overall customer experience (CX), are key to any high performing organization. They are directly tied to customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, revenue generation & the overall customer lifetime value.

Organizations have come to understand the critical nature of user experience & have made customer journey mapping part of their overall customer focused strategies. This is good. However, several companies focus on that at the expense of their employee experience.

Synergizing the customer & employee journeys to achieve the common goal of a memorable CX is the more appropriate approach recommended by INEXEA & delivers superior results. Employees are a vital component of the UX & customer journey. Management & the organization as a whole, should adopt the approach of taking both the employee & customer experiences as interwoven, intertwined components of the UX & appropriate this fact into strategy formulation. At INEXEA, we advise our clients to appropriately harmonize merge their customer & employee experience strategies into a single effective strategy. If KPIs, key performance indicators, for measuring the success of CX initiatives are made to appropriately incorporate both employee success & success measurement parameters of the client, all concerned parties will satisfied & will be on the same page.

This is particularly applicable when customer facing employees are involved e.g., customer service employees. By doing this, the organization will from the hiring stage, employ the right personnel, retain the brightest talents & consistently deliver superior results on projects to their clients who in turn remain consistently satisfied & loyal customers. To achieve this, some organizations will have to fundamentally refocus their operating (& possibly business) model.

Digital transformation initiatives typically require significant investments. Investments in terms of time, personnel, technology, funding etc. So why not make these investments worthwhile and ensure they deliver meaningful ROIs?

To start with, organizations require an appropriate digital strategy. This strategy must be customer experience focused. The organizations need to know who their customers are, what these customers really want, how they currently (and actually would like to) interact with the brand, what they like & dislike about the brand… and what the CX should actually be.

Next, comes the roadmap and then the appropriate technologies to enable this journey to where it out to be as an organization.

The better the organization understands its customers, the better and more memorable the experiences it can create and consistently deliver to them across all brand touch points. High performing organizations consistently focus on meeting, and where possible, exceeding, the ever changing customer needs and expectations. This they achieve by leveraging on data driven insights and evidence-based customer data.

Customer behavior has been changing over time and the current COVID-19 pandemic only highlighted and further accelerated this change. Highly successful companies are and will be those companies that efficiently deliver great customer experiences which are not only consistent with their customer expectations but that also are better than what the competition offers.

So many organizations miss it when their digital transformation efforts are focused on new products, cost reduction and the likes. Though important factors to address, these should not be the focus. The focus should always be the customer. Organizations that do not have the customer experience at the heart of their transformation initiative typically not only have a sore story to tell but also lose out on delivering great customer experiences as well as on enjoying the resultant benefits, including increased brand loyalty and the consequential revenue increases.

Organizations that fail to place customer experience at the heart of their digital transformation strategies typically end up with ineffective initiatives after having wasted time and money among other things. They also have stories of ineffective ////little to show for their efforts in terms of unsatisfied and displeased customers; the customer experience just lags.////

Placing the customer experience at the heart of digital transformation to achieve the critical goal of a memorable customer experience is the more appropriate approach recommended by INEXEA and delivers superior results.

The idea in simple terms is this: If your organization appropriately focuses on its customers & its digital transformation initiatives focus on the customer experience, satisfied customers will be maintained, a strong brand loyalty (and possibly community) will be developed and this will lead to increased revenues and sustainable incremental business.

INEXEA can help you deliver superior customer experiences as well as with end-to-end digital transformation consulting.

By partnering with INEXEA, you enjoy our in-depth expertise and extensive experience. Consequently, you significantly increase your business value, and lower process and infrastructural TCO. So why not get in touch with us today and see how we can bring added value to your business…